Paper Review Form Submission: (Title of the Paper) Authors: (Authors of the Paper) *Reviewer*: (Your Name) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Directions Use this form to evaluate and comment on this submission. Your review will consist of three parts: a brief summary, ratings, and detailed comments that back up your ratings. The author will receive your comments anonymously (i.e., your name will be removed). If there are certain comments you would like to convey to the instructor but do not wish to send to the author, please include them in the "confidential comments" section. Most papers will not represent finished products but rather good starts to interesting projects. Try to make your comments as constructive as possible to help your peers improve their work. Note that this review form is modeled after ones used at peer-reviewed research conferences. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Summary Please give a summary of the main ideas of the paper: (This part is usually about three paragraphs covering (1) the broader context of the work, (2) the specific problem and contributions, and (3) the key insight of the work.) What is the strength of the paper? (Be concise and to the point. But raise as many points as necessary to justify your ratings.) What is the weakness of the paper? (Be concise and to the point. But raise as many points as necessary to justify your ratings.) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ratings The project grade will be assigned separately from these ratings. As stated before, the project grade will be based on whether sufficient work has been put into the project and not necessarily whether novel results have been obtained. Overall Evaluation A: Excellent paper. I'd really want to see this work pursued further. B: Good paper. I think the work is a solid course project. C: Weak paper, though the work is sufficient for a course project. D: Serious problems. This paper does not satisfactory demonstrate sufficient effort on the course project. Convincing A: Totally convincing. The paper presents bullet-proof evidence (argument, proof, or data) to demonstrate its main points. B: Typical. The evidence is not bullet-proof but is reasonable. C: Weak. The paper presents weak evidence to demonstrate its main points. D: Inadequate. I don't believe the main points in the paper. Worth solving A: Critical. The paper is in an area that desperately needs a solution. B: Useful. The paper is in an area that already has reasonable solutions but prior solutions are not great. C: Okay. The paper is in an area that already has good solutions. D: Irrelevant. The paper solves a problem that is not worth solving. Novelty A: Extreme. Exposes a new field or way of thinking about a field. B: Solid. A new approach in an established field. C: Incremental. A straightforward next step to an existing idea. D: Known. This paper does not have anything new. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Detailed Comments Please supply detailed comments to back up your rankings. These comments will be forwarded to the author of the paper. The comments should guide the author in making revisions for future iterations. Hence, the more detailed you make your comments, the more useful your review will be for the author. A quality review typically requires at least 500 words --- and is the standard expectation in a conference peer-review. Enter comments here: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Confidential Comments You may wish to withhold some comments from the author, and include them solely for the instructor. For example, you may want to express a very strong (negative) opinion on the paper, which might offend the author in some way. Or, perhaps you wish to write something which would expose your identity to the author. If you wish to share comments of this nature, this is the place to put them. Enter comments here: